Submit your site

Use the form below to submit your listing.

Please enter as many details as possible - the better the description the more chance your listed has of being seen. Certain sites will also prioritise listing based on the amount of information available to potential customers.

This is not an automated directory. Your entry will be checked and may be edited for content. Submission can take up to 48 hours to appear on this site.

A suitable image may be included on your listing. This image will taken from your web site unless you specify otherwise.

This is an update to an existing Where To Camp listing at:


Please check above if you are submitting a change to a property already listed on one of our sites. If possible, also include above the URL where your listing can be found on our site. Do not use this field for your own website address, please use the field below.

Fields with a border  are required

List under:

Property details:

Property Name:

Telephone:   please format (xxx) xxx-xxxx


Toll Free:


Web site:

Address of PROPERTY:

Street:  ****


Province / State:  

Postcode / ZIP:  



(2-5 paragraphs - note on some of our site properties with more customer information are given priority on summaries )


This property has direct views of:

Lake / River etc on or within property boundary.


  • Pool

List other amentities here, 1 per line

Packages / Specials / Getaways

Certain regional sites will allow you to list packages / specials that can be linked to your site. These will also help promote your property better.

Enter package details below. To be listed we require the date the special is valid from and to, plus 2 or 3 paragraphs describing the offer. You can also use this field to update or add packages to an existing listing.


**** Please specify the property address. If you have a seperate mailing address please specify in the description field

To help prevent automated scripts, please enter the code as it appears in the image:

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